Self-introduction in Mind Map - A Unique and Effective Method
Tips and Tricks to Give a Great Self-introduction
Here are 8 tips. Some are essential. The remaining tips will elevate your speech from "basic" to interesting to listen to.
1. First and foremost, start with a smile on your face. Smile can always offer a good first impression.
2. Secondly, stating your name clearly.
3. Place - Your hometown, the organization you work for, the position you currently hold.
4. Background - what can you share that is related to the group's core purpose for meeting? What skills make you qualified for the job? Is it an event, experience, a particular skill or educational qualification?
5. Interest, passion or goal - what particularly interests you? What motivates you? What is the goal you want to achieve by joining this group?
6. Personal details - hobbies, strengths and weaknesses.
7. Unity - what do you share in common with members in the group?
8. Consider to do it visually when there is a computer and a projector. Include some photos and pictures. For, example, apply a mind map to list your main points logically.
9. Last but not least, conclude by extending THANKS to the Person who is listening to you.
Use Mind Map to Give an Impressive Self-introduction
Every time you are asked to introduce yourself, you may feel bored since you have done it countless times. But you cannot avoid it and must find methods to do it well for greater success.
Using mindmapcanhelpyoucatchyouraudience' attention and amaze them so as to realize the ultimate goal - let others know, remember and even look up to you. Here is a great mind map for self-introduction.
Identify the Main Topics of Mind Map
Add Contents in the Sub Topic Shapes
Embellish Your Mind Map
Check Spelling
Do not overlook this step. Several spelling mistakes may make your boss consider you as careless person, which may lead to no chance of promotion. So, why not do this simple thing to save you from failure. Just press F7 on the keyboard and the spelling check dialogue box will show.
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