Make your application display and interact with MS Office files

Edraw Office Viewer Component contains a standard ActiveX control that acts as an ActiveX document container for hosting Office documents (including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, and Microsoft Visio documents) in a custom form or Web page. The control is lightweight and flexible, and gives developers new possibilities for using Office in a custom solution.

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Office Viewer Component Introduction

Using the Office component, developers can embed and program the Microsoft Office environment in custom applications. This opens up new opportunities for solution integration, making it easy to include the power of MS Office in any smart client application or web application. Because the Office Control can be integrated with the host application's UI, developers can take advantage of MS Office functionality as a smooth part of their application without having to develop similar functionality themselves. In addition, you can control the MS Office programming interface (API), which makes it possible to control the feature programmatically and new objects and members associated with it in the office object model.

Used as an ActiveX Document

Office Viewer Component is designed to ease specific issues that make using ActiveX documents from a non-top-level host window difficult, and serves as a foundation for constructing your own embedded object file viewer or editor as an ActiveX control.

It is a great solution for companies wishing to display read-only or editable Word documents, Excel sheets and PowerPoint slideshow to their employees while restricting modifications to the underlying data. You can play PowerPoint files in the same window. You can also display password protected Word documents without supplying passwords to your users - keep your confidential data safe and secure! With the office component it is easy to upload or download files between server and client via HTTP/FTP.

Features at a Glance

100% ms office file format compatibility.
Supports multiple office instances. Implemented "exclusive" office feature. If some word or excel documents get opened outside of the component, the component window and other office window can avoid interfering with each other.
Interacts with MS Office by office automation mode. The GetApplication interface enables the developer to customize the office application easily.
Full edit mode or protect mode for MS Word and Excel. Disable hotkeys, Disable Right lick menu and Disable toolbars.
Ready for 32/64 bit Windows 2000/XP/2003/2008/Vista/7/8/10 platforms.
Well compatible with the IE 8/9/10/11, Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox.
Supports Office 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 32 bit/64 bit.
Keep your confidential data safe and secure. Display password protected Word documents without supplying passwords to your users.
Easier to open local files or file stream in a server. With the office OCX, it is easy to upload or download files between server and client via HTTP/FTP.
Support More file types. You can open all the document formats supported by Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio and Project.More secure. SiteLock enables ActiveX control developers to restrict the use of an ActiveX control to a predetermined list of domain names or security zones.
More stable. Edraw Office Viewer Component is currently running in over 100 of the Fortune 1000 companies, in over 40 countries.
Lots of examples provided: C#,, VB, C++, WPF, Access and Delphi.
Multiple Language Support. Easy to modify the interface at run-time/design-time.

This office viewer component allows developers to embed Office files for in-place editing and viewing. It can be easily integrated into applications written in languages that support ActiveX control such as Visual C++, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Visual Basic, Delphi, WPF, C#, VB.NET, C++ Builder and Net languages to view Office files inside their main solution, and give them programmatic control over the document while it is embedded.

"It's a greate solution for our company when we need to display read-only Word document to our employees. Edraw Office Viewer Component helps us a lot!"

- by Wendy White

"I use the office component as application development tool, and find it very useful. It easily integrates into applications writter in language of Visual Basic, C++. I love office component."

- by John Wilson

"Edraw Office Viewer helps embed and program the Microsoft Office environment in my own applications. It's lightweight and flexible. Very nice!"

- by Steven S. Hall

"It's a greate solution for our company when we need to display read-only Word document to our employees. Edraw Office Viewer Component helps us a lot!"

- by Wendy White

"I use the office component as application development tool, and find it very useful. It easily integrates into applications writter in language of Visual Basic, C++. I love office component."

- by John Wilson