Create Infographic in 5 Steps
With EdrawInfo, designing an eye-catching infographic is as easy as ever. Simply follow the 5 steps below, and an appealing infographic will be generated within minutes.
Various Templates that Meet Every Need
Choose one template that is tailored to you and get started quickly!

Stunning Infographics Software

With a large number of vector cliparts, anyone can build compelling infographics quickly and effortlessly.
Every detail of your infographic can be customized, including colors, lines, shadow effects, and chart values.
It's easy to save your work into a variety of file formats, including PDF, PPT, PNG, SVG, HTML, etc.
Discover More Infographic Types
Grab the template you need to start it now!

Why Choose EdrawInfo
Whether you’re creating infographics for business promotion, educational materials, or propaganda of non-profit institutes, EdrawInfo has you covered.

Make your infographics stand out with rich gallery of examples and templates.