How to Draw a Swimlane Diagram
What is A Swimlane Diagram?
Swimlane diagrams add another dimension to flow charts. It splits a flowchart into horizontal or vertical lanes - each one representing a person or department. A swimlane diagram illustrates who is in charge of what task, and when a task should be handed off to another person or team.
Swimlane diagrams are most commonly used where a process requires a cross-collaborative process between many individuals or teams. It is perfect for ensuring everyone in an organization knows who is in charge of what. It allows for a reduction in redundant or wasteful activities, overall resulting in a much more efficient and leaner process.
How to Make Swimlane Diagram?
Step 1: Start EdrawMax.
Step 2: Navigate to [New]>[Flowchart]>[Cross Functional Vertical] or [Cross Functional Horizontal]
Step 3: Select one swimlane diagram template to edit on it or click the [+] sign to start from scratch.
Department Dimension should be divided by the department or responsibility. Point out which department is in charge of completing the activity.
Phase Dimension should be divided by the task stages. Each process is consisted with the different stages.
Activities within each grid should be implemented by the department at that stage.
Step 4: You can export the file to Graphics, PDF, editable MS Office file, SVG and Visio vsdx file.
Step 5: And you can share your diagram with others via social media and web page.
Swimlane Diagram Examples
Example 1: Support Process Flowchart
Support Process Flowchart visually represents how Incident Management Process Flow works. Support Process Flowchart does not directly create any product or said services for any organization. Instead, they work as a catalyst and assist in the execution of operating or management processes.
Example 2: Payroll Process - Swimlane Process Mapping Diagram
Business process mapping refers to the activities involved in defining what a business entity does to increase efficiency. A detailed business process map allows the outside firms to understand what can be done to improve the results while aligning towards the company’s objectives and values.