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Keyboard Shortcuts
You can find the list of keyboard shortcuts any time on the ribbon’s Help tab by clicking the Shortcut Key icon.

Function | Shortcuts |
Create a new chart | Ctrl + N |
Open a chart | Ctrl + O |
Save the current chart | Ctrl + S |
Save all charts | Ctrl + Shift + S |
Close current chart | Ctrl + W |
Close all charts | Ctrl + Shift + W |
Print the current chart | Ctrl + P |
Function | Shortcuts |
Select box (above, below, left and right) | Arrow keys |
Select next box / previous box | Tab / Shift + Tab |
Save the current chart | Ctrl + S |
Function | Shortcuts |
Zoom in | Ctrl + + (plus) |
Zoom out | Ctrl + - (minus) |
Fit chart to screen | Ctrl + F5 |
Fit chart to 100% zoom | Ctrl + 0 |
Whole Page | F3 |
Page Width | Shift + F3 |
Function | Shortcuts |
Ruler | Ctrl + Shift + U |
Gridlines | Ctrl + Shift + G |
Status Bar | Shift + B |
Action Button | Ctrl + Shift + A |
Function | Shortcuts |
Show / Hide Display | F6 |
Show / Hide Views | F9 |
Show / Hide Tree | F10 |
Show / Hide Data | F8 |
Show / Hide Search | Ctrl + Shift + F |
Spelling check | F7 |
Find | Ctrl + F |
Preview | F11 |
Function | Shortcuts |
Play slideshow | Ctrl + Shift + F5 |
Traverse boxes | F5 |
Traverse branches | Shift + F5 |
Full Screen | Ctrl + F5 |
Exit Full Screen Mode or Stop Slideshow | Esc |
Adding Box and Elements
Function | Shortcuts |
Add first box | Enter |
Add Subordinate | Insert / Ctrl + Enter |
Add Colleague | Enter |
Add Manager | Shift + Enter |
Add Assistant | Alt + Enter |
Add attachment | Ctrl + H |
Insert picture | Ctrl + Shift + P |
Add hyperlink | Ctrl + K |
Add comment | Ctrl + Shift + T |
Add note | Ctrl + T |
Optimize Layout | Ctrl + Shift + O |
Function | Shortcuts |
Refresh data | Shift + R |
Associate data | Ctrl + Shift + R |
Define field | Ctrl + D |
Quick export | Ctrl + Shift + Q |
Import | Ctrl + Shift + I |
Export wizard | Ctrl + Shift + E |
Editing and Selecting
Function | Shortcuts |
Undo the last action | Ctrl + Z / Alt + Backspace |
Redo the last action | Ctrl + Y |
Select all boxes and elements | Ctrl + A |
Select all branches | Ctrl + Shift + B |
Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete
Function | Shortcuts |
Cut | Ctrl + C |
Copy to the clipboard | Ctrl + C / Ctrl + Insert |
Format Painter | Ctrl + Shift + C |
Paste | Ctrl + V |
Selected Paste | Ctrl + Alt + V |
Delete current object | Delete |
Delete Current Branch | Shift + Delete |
Commands in Box Text Edit and Find Mode
Function | Shortcuts |
Enter line break in box | Shift + Enter / Ctrl + Enter |
Move to beginning of line | Home |
Move to end of box text | Ctrl + Home |
Cancel editing box | ESC |
Find | Ctrl + F |
Edit box text | F2 |
Find next | Enter |
Spelling check | F7 |
Function | Shortcuts |
Toggle to bold and back | Ctrl + B |
Toggle to italics and back | Ctrl + I |
Toggle to underline and back | Ctrl + U |
Increase font size | Ctrl + Shift + > |
Decrease font size | Ctrl + Shift + < |
Edit text | F2 |
End Formatting | Esc |
Function | Shortcuts |
Toggle up | Ctrl + Shift + F4 |
Toggle right | Ctrl + F4 |
Toggle down | F4 |
Toggle left | Shift + F4 |
Move to left | Ctrl + Left Arrow |
Move to right | Ctrl + Right Arrow |
General Windows Commands
Function | Shortcuts |
Close a menu or dialogue box | Esc |
Cancel an operation | Esc |
Exit OrgCharting | Alt + F4 |
Export to graphics | Ctrl + G |
Show help | F1 |