テンプレートコミュニティ / Mountain Customer Journey Map

Mountain Customer Journey Map

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Lisa Anderson
に公開されました 2022-12-08
Marketing model mapping as presented in a PowerPoint presentation using the timeline concept of a mountainshaped customer journey diagram. It shows the different ways in which different types of customers interact with a company. The products or services offered, as well as the instore and online interactions customers have, are all valid criteria for this type of market segmentation. Marketing strategies for businesses can take many forms, much like the different sections of a business canvas. Customer journey mapping is essential in todays competitive business environments, whether they are local, national, or global. Therefore, a timeline of the buyers involvement is displayed in this PowerPoint for easy perusal. This is especially helpful in justifying their feelings and actions during the engagement phase of a hopefully longlasting relationship.
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Mountain Customer Journey Map
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