Terminal Symbols and Connector Symbols
The following terminals and connectors symbols present some standard terminal symbols and connector symbols for logical and digital circuit drawings such as M/F contact, adapter, circuit terminal, terminal board, 2-conductor jack, normal jacks, coaxial outside symbol, etc.
They also show some connector symbols such as large D connector, small D connector, C header connector, F/M 2-conductor, F/M 3-conductor, 3-conductor plug symbol, etc.
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Terminal Contact Symbols
The circuit designer can drag the M/F Contact symbol from the template into canvas, then click the Configure chip... item to change its appearance.
Cable Termination Symbols
The following cable termination symbol is changed to single-line symbol and alternate symbol.
Conductor Symbols
The following conductor symbols show the F/M 2-conductor which change the symbols data from female to male.
In our electrical diagram software, you can use the action button to choose the suitable electrical symbols with one click.